
Risja Steeghs

During my time at Destination Unknown 2019 I aimed to create a new immersive installation for the old school building. Starting with the idea to read and write poetry for the abandoned space to build a personal relationship with it. This acted as a basis for the creation of Tangerine Dream Space, an installation with moving image, textile tapestries , ceramic and plaster objects as well as a moss and Himalayan blossom scent.

risja@risjasteeghs.com / 1991, Roermond / The Royal College of Art, 2018 -Diploma in MA Sculpture /  www.risjasteeghs.com

I also created  Mama I am a Tree Now, an installation with ceramic tiles of woodcarvings and flower imprints. Walking through the old corridors of the building one could hear the humming of my singing vase which was part of the installation. On the walls I placed dried flowers which I collected in the direct surroundings of the school building aiming to connect the natural surroundings with the old building as well as my own interior space. I enjoyed my time at Destination Unknown as a playground for a new work. The location as well as conversations with other artists and curators brought in by the program were very interesting and have helped me shed light on certain aspects of my practice as well as decisions made during the process.