Fenna Koot
They who become part of the scenery itself Where hides the glitch in the system? Fenna Koot (1996) is fascinated
Hussel Zhu
First confession:
I shared a memory that made me feel uneasy. I analyzed its components. Then I realized I had
Ida Leijting
The Latin ‘bivio’ translates to: a crossroad, a place with two ways. Not one ‘via’ but a pair; two paths.
Louisa Vergozisi
It Still Is What It Is (series of works) Vergozisi’s works emerged from objects and materials found in the current
Suzanna van Oers
It seems as though we must use sometimes the one theory and sometimes the other, while at times we may
Tine Deboelpaep
Tine Deboelpaep (BE) is interested in how the notions of well-being and care have evolved, in relation to religion and
Tisa Neža Herlec
“Let’s keep in touch.” is a sonorous object that consists of a handful of keys swaying and singing. Memories of
Valeria Moro
interactive game
Systems define reality. Often in the opposition of concepts. In a church, reality is defined in the opposition
Samenwerkingspartners: Venterra (projectontwikkelaar), Federatie Parochies VenloStad (pandeigenaar), The UnKnown Artist (talentontwikkelingstraject geïnitieerd door Huis voor de Kunsten Limburg), Lotte van Gelder (omgevingskunstenaar en choreografe van MATTERS OF MOVEMENT) ,Ola Lanko (kunstenaar, gespreksleider INSIGHT MIDWIFE), Joep Vossebeld.
Subsidieverleners: Mondriaan Fonds, Provincie Limburg, Cultuurregio Noord-Limburg, Gemeente Venlo en Gemeente Weert.