
Fenna Koot

They who become part of the scenery itself Where hides the glitch in the system? Fenna Koot (1996) is fascinated

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Hussel Zhu

First confession:
I shared a memory that made me feel uneasy. I analyzed its components. Then I realized I had

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Ida Leijting

The Latin ‘bivio’ translates to: a crossroad, a place with two ways. Not one ‘via’ but a pair; two paths.

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Jun Zhang

“Nomadic Washerwomen” is based on the artistic research about the “openbare wasplaats” as well as its derived folklore and Dutch

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Louisa Vergozisi

It Still Is What It Is (series of works) Vergozisi’s works emerged from objects and materials found in the current

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Rosa Vrij

For Destination Unknown Rosa Vrij explored how to capture the atmosphere of the Heilig Hartkerk by drawing in the here

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Tine Deboelpaep

Tine Deboelpaep (BE) is interested in how the notions of well-being and care have evolved, in relation to religion and

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Valeria Moro

interactive game
Systems define reality. Often in the opposition of concepts. In a church, reality is defined in the opposition

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Samenwerkingspartners: Venterra (projectontwikkelaar), Federatie Parochies VenloStad (pandeigenaar), The UnKnown Artist (talentontwikkelingstraject geïnitieerd door Huis voor de Kunsten Limburg), Lotte van Gelder (omgevingskunstenaar en choreografe van MATTERS OF MOVEMENT) ,Ola Lanko (kunstenaar, gespreksleider INSIGHT MIDWIFE), Joep Vossebeld.

Subsidieverleners: Mondriaan Fonds, Provincie Limburg, Cultuurregio Noord-Limburg, Gemeente Venlo en Gemeente Weert.