Anna Gerrits
Synthetic drop sounds, melted glass drops, arduino, stepper motors, speakers, threads
Arthur Cordier
The city sprouts with interim agencies. Through one of them I hired three exhibition visitors. The employment offer states the
Jeanine Vloemans
In my art practice I research painting and how it can become more spatial. I am inspired by ancient cultures
Jesse Strikwerda
Jesse Strikwerda (1991) creates installations and sculptures in which the manipulability of reality is central. Unraveling the layers of a
Joep Caenen
Free Minigolf Tegelen is a series of midgetgolf tracks built with spare materials found at the former cigar factory of
Julia Strömland
the quarry
Six holes have been cut into the concrete slab. Out of the rubble emerges a site
Kim Gromoll
A birds universe is inspired by the discovery of three deceased birds and offers a curious perspective on their natural
Koen Kievits
Knowing that the factory of VossenBreuers would soon partly disappear and be rebuilt, I wanted to preserve the story of
Nele Brökelmann
Difference across Distance
With this Unstable Ground iteration, I am inviting you to encounter our human worldly entanglement and reflect on
Sanne Kabalt
Between the real and the imaginary, between here and there, between self and other, it is often assumed that distinctions
Samenwerkingspartners: Venterra (projectontwikkelaar), The UnKnown Artist (talentontwikkelingstraject geïnitieerd door Huis voor de Kunsten Limburg), Lotte van Gelder (omgevingskunstenaar en choreografe van MATTERS OF MOVEMENT), Ellis Kat (directeur Nieuwe Vide, kunstcurator, moderator, schrijfster), Docus van der Made (freelance curator, schrijver, kunsteducator), Ola Lanko (kunstenaar, gespreksleider INSIGHT MIDWIFE), Rosa Carmel Vrij (Videopower).
Subsidieverleners: Mondriaan Fonds, Provincie Limburg, Cultuurregio Noord-Limburg, Gemeente Weert, Gemeente Venlo.