Arthurcordier@hotmail.com / 1993, based in The Hague / Royal Academy of Art The Hague, The Hague, 2019 – Diploma in Master Artistic Research / ENSAVC LA Cambre, Brussels, 2016 – Diploma in Bachelor in Urban Space / www.arthurcordier.cargo.site
The visitors hired are invited to visit the exhibition at their convenience on the given day, and are free to engage as they pleased. Yet there are two conditions attached: firstly, not to disclose the nature of the visit, the visitor has to remain anonymous, and secondly, to give equal attention to each of the exhibited works.
There is no previous experience with art required and therefore no particular qualifications one should possess. The selection is left to the agency’s appreciation, and the artist doesn’t know the visitors either. Prior to the exhibition an announcement was published to advertise the position in the local newspaper, and a banner was displayed on the building’s facade.